When you cook with ingredients that are not organic there are a number of different chemicals and additives that take away from the original. That is why non-organic food is typically less money than organic. Because they use chemicals in pesticides in production and they get a larger and more plentiful product as a result. It is also cheaper to manufacture products if you don’t have to keep up with organic standards. Whenever you can obtain an organic product for cooking it is in your best interest to do so. In the case of cocoa powder there are a number of different benefits that come along with going organic.

First thing’s first, you will probably spend more money when you buy organic cocoa powder. Well, you will spend more money. For that extra money your going to get some nice benefits that make it well worth it. The cocoa is going to have a higher concentrate of nutrients than cocoa that has been tampered with. This is simply because you are getting more actual cocoa in every bite. It has been shown that organic cocoa powder has up to 33% more nutrients when it is organic.

One of the key ingredients offered by cocoa powder is magnesium. Cocoa has a higher level of magnesium than just about every other product. Dark chocolate has also been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels in individuals who eat it over a long period of time. Eating cocoa also increases blood flow to your brain making it function better. It is one of the best health foods you can consume and it is a great way to improve your overall health.

If used properly cocoa powder can also be a great way to lose weight and even to improve the health of your teeth. Cocoa is an appetite suppressant, so a little chocolate after a small meal will keep you from eating too much. Theobromine, a compound found in cocoa beans will harden your tooth enamel. It is nearly as effective as the fluoride that is in most brands of tooth paste. Chocolate is only associated with tooth decay because of all the sugar used to make chocolate bars. If you use cocoa in a recipe that doesn’t require a lot of sugar you will be able to reap all of the benefits without the negatives that go along with them.

Including organic cocoa powder in as many recipes as possible is a great way to increase the health of you and your family.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5167581